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Secure Schools




Keeping information safe and protected is a vital requirement for any organisation in the 21st Century.  We have clear policies in place to dictate how we use and store the personal information of our workforce, students and their families.  As we progress to store more information online, we also have a clear strategy to keep our information digitally safe.


Keeping our data and information safe is a shared and vital responsibility.  At Model Village Primary School, we are members of a scheme supported by the National Cyber Security Centre and GCHQ designed to keep schools safe. 


The Secure Schools programme has three key strands:


  1. Securing Technology. Reduce the risk of technological vulnerabilities in the school’s IT infrastructure being exploited. Automated checking of the school’s technology against government and industry recommendations highlights potential vulnerabilities and provides remedial steps.
  2. Securing People. Reduce the human risk factor whilst increasing awareness, understanding and self-defence. Our role-specific online learning educates and empowers school staff in cyber security.
  3. Turn theoretical risk into real-life practice in a safe, controlled environment. Comparable to a school fire drill, attack simulations are an opportunity to test defences and practice procedures, whilst continually measuring, reporting on and improving your school’s cyber resilience.

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